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  • Public health, it's everyone's responsibility

    Where there is an emergency event, there are public health professionals. These professionals work hard to ensure the conditions of the community are healthy and conducive to preventing the spread of infection, contamination and disease.

  • 156th "Port Dawgs"

    Despite the mission, despite the task or despite the natural disaster/emergency – one constant remains on the concrete plateau of Muniz Air National Guard Base, the “Port Dawgs.”

  • Single is a Status Too

    Being single does not mean you do not need communication skills to build better, or future, relationships. The 156th Chaplaincy hosted and taught a superhero themed “Got Your Back” Strong Bonds Seminar for more than 20 Airmen during a retreat Jul. 12-14 on the east side of the island.“Got Your Back”

  • ANG Headquarters sends emissary to PRANG

    U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Edward L. Vaughan, Special Assistant to the Director, Air National Guard, for Puerto Rico Recovery, arrived on the island recently on special assignment as an advisor to the Adjutant General of Puerto Rico and the commanders in the Puerto Rico Air National Guard.

  • Air National Guard restores FAA capabilities for Puerto Rico

    A week and a half post Hurricane Maria, it is hard to tell the Federal Aviation Administration was at “ground zero” and in the dark with no power or communication capabilities. Now, the air traffic flow at San Juan Luis Munoz Marin International Airport is back to normal thanks to the Air National