July 16, 2019 156th "Port Dawgs" Despite the mission, despite the task or despite the natural disaster/emergency – one constant remains on the concrete plateau of Muniz Air National Guard Base, the “Port Dawgs.”
July 14, 2019 Single is a Status Too Being single does not mean you do not need communication skills to build better, or future, relationships. The 156th Chaplaincy hosted and taught a superhero themed “Got Your Back” Strong Bonds Seminar for more than 20 Airmen during a retreat Jul. 12-14 on the east side of the island.“Got Your Back”
Feb. 21, 2019 A new year means new priorities for the Puerto Rico Air National Guard Wing commander discusses priorities for 2019 and moving the base forward.
Aug. 7, 2017 Welcome2Wing - 2nd Lt. Eduardo Gonzalez 2nd Lt. Eduardo Gonzalez welcome to the wing feature article.